Predatory mites:
Phytosieulus persimilis, Mesoseiulus longipes, Neoseiulus californicus, Galendromus occidentalis, and combinations of persimilis + californicus and longipes + californicus.
Also available are Neosiulus fallacis


Predatory Mite: P. persimilis M. longipes Neoseiulus fallacis
Description: The most commonly used beneficial mite in the world. Noted for quick knockdown of spider mites. Adults are bright orange and slightly larger than spider mites. Actively seek out and consume 20 young or 5 adult spider mites per day; reproduce faster than spider mites and quickly gain control of a spider mite outbreak. Similar in appearance and activity to P. persimilis, M. longipes can tolerate drier conditions and higher temperatures and still remain effective. They can only tolerate the very low humidity of 40% when the temp. is 70°F. They require increasing humidity as the temperature rises. Used for inoculation against spider mite outbreaks, can survive lower temperatures, absence of prey, and has some pesticide resistance. Useful in outdoor applications in northern areas. Like persimilis, it can provide quick control of a mite outbreak.
Optimal Environment: 65-80°F, min. 60% RH 70-90°F, min. 40% RH 50-80°F, 60-90% RH
Predatory Mite: N. californicus G. occidentalis
Description: Although considerably slower acting than persimilis and longipes, N. californicus can survive longer in the absence of prey, until a new spider mite population may reinfest plants. Highly successful in the greenhouse environment. G. occidentalis tolerates a wide range of relative humidities and is well-adapted to outdoor use.
Optimal Environment: Wide range of temp.& RH 80-100°F, >50% RH

Spider Mite Predator: Feltiella acarisuga
These are tiny midges that feed on two-spotted spider mites, unique in their ability to forage on hairy leaves. This ability enables them to complement Phytoseiulus persimilis , which does not work on tomato leaves because they become trapped in the sticky leaf hairs. Feltiella increase in numbers when spider mite populations increase.

Feltiella are sold as pupae and come in tubs or units of 250. Once the tub lid is opened (in the shade) near a spider mite infestation, adult midges emerge from pupal cases in 3-4 days, mate and fly off to lay eggs on mite-infested leaves. Eggs hatch in 2 days to become Feltiella larvae: tiny, beige maggots that munch mites for a week before pupating in cocoons, repeating the cycle as adults within 6-7 days. Two to three weeks after application, all stages of Feltiella will be present, and will continue to prey on spider mites until the infestation is controlled. They do not persist in the absence of prey.

Spider Mite & Spruce Spider Mite Predator: Stethorus Punctillum
A tiny lady beetle that is a new biological control product. They prey on all stages of spider mites, and are able to fly to find them. These abilities make them an effective control in cases of mite outbreaks.

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