"Plant Pest Controls are not offered for sale on-line. Please call or email our office directly. We will ask what kind of plants you want to protect and how much area they occupy."

"Animal Fly control for commercial agriculture are custom-created. Please call or email our office directly. We will ask what kind of animals you are raising and their numbers."


SKU: 1001 Category:


hese help control horse flies, deer flies, and horn flies in pastures, paddocks, kennels and swimming pools. Biting flies are attracted to the special fiberglass panel and trapped by replaceable Stiky Sleeve. Each trap can catch as many as 5000 flies.

Package Contains:

  • 1 Fiberglass Cylinder
  • 1 Wooden Stake
  • 2 Brass Fasteners
  • 2 Giant Paperclips
  • 1 Stiky Sleeve
  • 1 Stiky Sleeve Replacement